| 1. | In australia , bottlenose dolphins place sponges over their snouts as protection from the spines of stonefish and stingrays as they forage over shallow seabeds 在澳大利亚,瓶鼻海豚在捕猎在海床上吃草的石鱼和黄貂鱼的时候会在嘴上叼上海绵来防刺。 |
| 2. | This paper discussed medical care measures about six new bottlenose dolphins ( tursiops truncates ) in quarantine , which transported from japan in march 20th , 2003 摘要总结了北京海洋馆对2003年3月20日从日本购进的6条海豚在隔离期间所采取的医疗保健措施。 |
| 3. | Bottlenose dolphins can call each other by name when they whistle , making them the only animals besides humans known to recognize such identity information , scientists reported on monday 本周一,苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚和人类一样,通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流。 |
| 4. | While it is known that female bottlenose dolphins can spontaneously produce milk if a calf is present , the practice is not well documented and aquarium staff are carefully watching the process 尽管已知母瓶鼻海豚会在幼海豚在场时自动分泌乳汁,但这种过程迄未得到妥善记录,馆方工作人员正密切观察该过程。 |
| 5. | Takes you on an underwater adventure with the inquisitive atlantic spotted dolphins , acrobatic dusky dolphins , and the familiar bottlenose dolphin . a bottlenose dolphin is seen swimming off the coast of the bahamas 将带领你到海中探险,追踪好奇的大西洋斑点海豚活泼好动的暗色斑纹海豚及为人熟悉的樽鼻海豚。 |
| 6. | St andrews university researchers studying in sarasota bay off florida ' s west coast florida discovered bottlenose dolphins used names rather than sound to identify each other 英国圣安德鲁大学的研究人员们在位于佛罗里达西海岸的萨拉索塔湾进行了此项研究,发现宽吻海豚并非通过嗓音,而是通过“名字” (叫声的内容)来识别对方。 |
| 7. | St andrews university researchers studying in sarasota bay off florida ' s west coast florida discovered bottlenose dolphins used names rather than sound to identify each other . the three - year - study was funded by the royal society of london 英国圣安德鲁大学的研究人员们在位于佛罗里达西海岸的萨拉索塔湾进行了此项研究,发现宽吻海豚并非通过嗓音,而是通过“名字”叫声的内容来识别对方。 |
| 8. | Scientists have long known that dolphins identify themselves with names , but the belief was that , like some monkeys , the animal ' s voice was the key ingredient of the call . a team of researchers led by vincent janik of the university of st . andrews in scotland temporarily captured seven male and seven female bottlenose dolphins in sarasota bay in florida 此前,科学家已经得知,海豚能对彼此的声音做出反应,但他们还想知道,海豚发出的这种声音中是否包含能让其身份变得更加清晰更好辨认的某种因素,亦或它们的“名字”本身就足够用来识别了。 |
| 9. | Scientists have long known that dolphins identify themselves with names , but the belief was that , like some monkeys , the animal s voice was the key ingredient of the call . a team of researchers led by vincent janik of the university of st . andrews in scotland temporarily captured seven male and seven female bottlenose dolphins in sarasota bay in florida 此前,科学家已经得知,海豚能对彼此的声音做出反应,但他们还想知道,海豚发出的这种声音中是否包含能让其身份变得更加清晰更好辨认的某种因素,亦或它们的“名字”本身就足够用来识别了。 |